Thursday, January 10, 2019

Famous Mathematicians

Famous Mathematicians

Pythagoras (c. 570 – c. 495 BC)
Nationality: Greek
Famous For: Pythagorean theorem
Pythagoras is best known in mathematics for the Pythagorean Theorem.

Archimedes (c. 287 – c. 212 BC)
Nationality: Greek
Famous For: Greatest mathematician of antiquity
Archimedes provided principles and methods used in mathematics today. He provided the exact numerical value of pi, developed a system for large numbers to be expressed, and the method of exhaustion.

John Forbes Nash, Jr. (1928)
Nationality: American
Famous For: Nash embedding theorem
The work of American mathematician John Nash includes studies in differential geometry, game theory, and partial differential equations. He is best known for the Nash embedding theorem. His work in algebraic geometry is also seen as milestone in mathematics.

Blaise Pascal (1623-1662)
Nationality: French
Famous For: Pascal’s Triangle
Pascal is recognized for two mathematical areas of study, projective geometry and probability theory. He describes in his paper, Treatise on the Arithmetical Triangle, an easy to understand table of “binomial coefficients” known as Pascal’s Triangle

Euclid (c. 365 – c. 275 BC)
Nationality: Greek
Famous For: Father of geometry
The earliest known “math books” is one written by Greek mathematician Euclid, Elements is its title. It serve as a textbook to teach geometry and mathematics. His mathematical system is known as “Euclidean geometry.”

Aryabhata (c. 476 – c. 550)
Nationality: Indian
Famous For: Writing Āryabhaṭīya and the Arya-siddhanta
Indian mathematician Aryabhatta’s contribution include his work on providing an approximate value to pi. He likewise touched on the concepts of sine, cosine, and the place-value system.

Omar Khayyám (1048-1131)
Nationality: Persian
Famous For: Treatise on Demonstration of Problems of Algebra
Omar Khayyam wrote one of the most important books in mathematics, Treatise on Demonstration of Problems of Algebra from which most algebraic principles have been drawn from. In the area of geometry, Khayyam worked on the “theory of proportions.”

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