Monday, February 18, 2019

Triangle Properties

Properties of Triangles

Triangles are three-sided closed figures. Depending on the measurement of sides and angles triangles are of following types:
  • Equilateral Triangles: An equilateral triangle has all the sides and angles of equal measurement. This type of triangle is also called an acute triangle as all its sides measure 60° in measurement.
  • Isosceles triangle: An isosceles triangle is the one with two sides equal and two equal angles.
  • Scalene triangle: In a scalene triangle, no sides and angles are equal to each other.
Depending on angles, triangles are of following types:
  • Acute Triangle: Triangles, where all sides are acute-angled to each other, are called acute triangles. The best example of this kind of triangle is the equilateral triangle.
  • Obtuse Triangle: The obtuse angled triangle is the one with one obtuse angled side. Isosceles triangles and scalene triangles come under this category of triangles.
  • Right Angled triangle: A triangle with one angle equal to 90° is called right-angled triangle.

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