Thursday, February 20, 2020

Ratio - Make Some Chocolate Crispies

Ratio - Make Some Chocolate Crispies

To make these chocolate crispies I used:

  • 20 g (grams) of chocolate
  • 15 g of cornflakes or similar

This made 1 cake. Recipe Here

Your mathematics task is to:

1) calculate the ratio of chocolate to cornflakes, and then:
2) work out the amount of ingredients to make 21 cakes.

1) We can see that the ratio of chocolate to cornflakes is 20:15
But this can be simplified further. The Greatest Common Factor is 5, so:

If we have 20 parts chocolate to 15 parts cornflake, divide each side by 5 and we get 4:3

This is the ratio of chocolate to cornflakes.

2) We need to work out how much chocolate and cornflakes we need to make 21 cakes.
The recipe is for 1 cake but we want 21, so multiply both ingredients by (21 cakes / 1 cake), or simply by 21:
  • 21×20 = 420
  • 21×15 = 315
So to make our 21 cakes we need:
  • 420 g of chocolate
  • 315 g of cornflakes

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