Friday, May 3, 2019

A8- Prepare Videos

How to Create a Good Video

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Have you ever tried to make a home video with your camera but it just didn't turn out the way you wanted it to? This article will show you how to make good videos that you may share with the world!



Find a good camera. An 8 megapixel phone camera or better will get the job done well.


Pick a good location. Find a place find a place with good lighting. Somewhere outside, a room with lots of windows, or a room with good lights. Avoid dark rooms or rooms with a single light source.



Get a good angle. You should probably place the camera at or above shoulder height. If you are filming a stationary video, a good shot typically has the character's shoulders near the middle and their waist or knees at the bottom. ALWAYS do a short test video before recording the content. If you want to get fancy add multiple cameras each recording from different sides.


Speak clearly. If you’re speaking about a subject know what your talking about. If its an actual speech create a script with bullet points. Practice recording to get the hang of being loud and not stuttering. Unless you’re a gifted speaker you’re going to mess up.


Be alive! Act like you’re talking to someone. Don’t read of your script, just hit the main points. Don't stare at the camera, or any individual object. Even if you stay facing the camera, shift your weight, use limited hand gestures, speak with more than monotone, and use your face to reinforce your words. If possible add jokes, even if they are corny.



Transfer for editing. If it is on a phone, upload it to YouTube. You will need a Google or Gmail account to upload, but it is easy (and free) to sign up. You can make the videos private or public if you want to keep it to yourself or share. If your phone/camera isn't able to, then copy it to your computer and edit it.


Edit on YouTube. This works best on Google Chrome (browser). Google search “youtube editor”, login, and then you can choose any videos you’ve uploaded. You can learn how to edit from this feature at How to Use YouTube's Video Editor


Make short clips. Unless there is unbroken dialogue, or a scene that must be all one piece, chop it up. Change your shot every 1-10 seconds. This may sound extreme but is very important. Use this to cut out any errors or content-lacking spots in your video.


Use simple transitions. Do not use flipping, rotating, spinning, shattering, melting, zooming, or otherwise obnoxious animations. While they may look cool they will not make your video look cool. The best transitions to use are fading to black (on YouTube choose color fade -> black) or no transitions (also called a hard transition). Also other ones that can be used are; fading to white, cross blur, cross fade, and wipe.


Add effects and filters. Judge if your video needs to be brighter or dimmer, rotated, stabilized, or have muted audio for certain clips. If so these options can all be done on the YouTube editor.


Publish your video! You can choose if everyone can see it, or if only people with a link can see it, or if only you can see it. If you want a copy of your video, choose the “unlisted” option and then use one of the many YouTube downloaders to get in on your computer.


Community Q&A


Can I use a computer?

Community Answer

Yes, of course! You may want to install a program like iMovie to use.


How to make a good video using iPhone 4 camera?

Hydra StarDuck

Community Answer

Try using iMovie and wait a couple of seconds for the camera to settle before you start filming. Also, try to get a stand. Try to zoom in as little as possible when you're filming your video because when you zoom in the pixels get bigger making the quality a lot worse.


What is the best Canon camera that is not very expensive?

Community Answer

That depends on what you want your camera to be able to do, but I would go with a Canon 600 or 700D for starters.


Is Viva Video a good video editor?

Akshayaka Veeraraghavan

Community Answer

It depends on your need. If you want professional editing and effects, use a professional editor. If you can do well with Viva Video, use that.


How can I make videos if I'm ugly?

Community Answer

You don't need to be attractive to make videos. But if you're particularly sensitive about the way you look, don't read the comments on your videos.


What is a good stand to use for filming using my phone?

Community Answer

A selfie stick is a good idea especially if you are making a personal movie or a vlog.


I don't have a special camera, so how can I make my video look really good without it?

Community Answer

Even without a good camera, you can make a great video. One way is to make the video "about" being cheaply made, like the Blair Witch Project or the experimental films of Kuchar. If you aren't going for the D.I.Y. aesthetic, one way to make a cheap camera still look good is to focus on keeping the camera level, using a tripod or other flat surface. As far as editing goes, there are some great movies that don't have any edits at all, like Warhol's Vinyl or Snow's Wavelength. That said, you'll probably want to edit. Check out free or low-cost editing programs online.


How do I make it look professional?

Community Answer

Move the camera from left to right, although don't make it too shaky. You can also watch movies and see how, and also making the scripts nice and looking like a character would say in a movie.


What if I use a Canon 80d?

Community Answer

The Canon 80d will do an excellent job for your video!


What are good categories that people like to watch?

Community Answer

Action, romance, documents, comedies, drama, fantasy, realistic fiction, and apocalyptic are all really popular genres right now.



Pick an interesting topic! No one wants to see the grass grow.

If you want more specific ideas to what you are filming watch Youtube content that looks how you want your video to look, then pay attention to how they film their videos.

Get straight to the point! Never ramble on about random things.

Edit your video down to only what it needs to have in it. The videos people do not watch are the ones where it is all one shot and they see the person turn on and turn off the camcorder or phone. So please edit it down to only what the video needs to survive.

Storyboard or sketch your ideas down to get a better picture of how your video is going to turn out.

Make sure there is good lighting. Film in a room with many windows or outside when it's sunny.



If you do not save your video, it will be lost in cyberspace forever!

You may get rude or obnoxious messages if you post your video on a video-sharing website.

If you do not check the pronunciation of words and especially names, it is embarrassing every time the video is played.


Things You'll Need

A Camera/phone with video software

A script

A computer (If you want to edit your video)

A tripod (optional)

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About This Article

wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, 41 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has also been viewed 131,694 times.

Co-authors: 41

Updated: February 7, 2019

Views: 131,694

Article Rating: 77% - 246 votes

Categories: Comedy Movie Making | Home Movie Making

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