Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Algebra Symbols

Algebra Symbols

Algebra Symbols With Names
Let’s explore the names of common algebra symbols used in both basic algebra and more advanced levels.


Symbol Name



equivalenceidentical to
xx variableunknown value to findwhen 2x = 4, then x = 2
:=equal by definitionequal by definition
equal by definitionequal by definition
approximately equalapproximationsin(0.01) ≈ 0.01
~approximately equalweak approximation11 ~ 10
lemniscateinfinity symbol
proportional toproportional toy ∝ when y = kx, k constant
much greater thanmuch greater than1000000 ≫ 1
much less thanmuch less than1 ≪ 1000000
[ ]bracketscalculate expression inside first[(1+2)*(1+5)] = 18
( )parenthesescalculate expression inside first2 * (3+5) = 16
xfloor bracketsrounds number to lower integer⌊4.3⌋= 4
{ }bracesset

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