Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Events in Probability

 Events in Probability

The entire possible set of outcomes of a random experiment is the sample space or the individual space of that experiment. The likelihood of occurrence of an event is known as probability. The probability of occurrence of any event lies between 0 and 1.

Impossible and Sure Events

If the probability of occurrence of an event is 0, such an event is called an impossible event and if the probability of occurrence of an event is 1, it is called a sure event. In other words, the empty set ϕ is an impossible event and the sample space S is a sure event.

Simple Events

Any event consisting of a single point of the sample space is known as a simple event in probability. For example, if S = {56 , 78 , 96 , 54 , 89} and E = {78} then E is a simple event.

Compound Events

Contrary to the simple event, if any event consists of more than one single point of the sample space then such an event is called a compound event. Considering the same example again, if S = {56 ,78 ,96 ,54 ,89}, E1 = {56 ,54 }, E2 = {78 ,56 ,89 } then, E1 and E2 represent two compound events.

Independent Events and Dependent Events

If the occurrence of any event is completely unaffected by the occurrence of any other event, such events are known as an independent event in probability and the events which are affected by other events are known as dependent events.

Mutually Exclusive Events

If the occurrence of one event excludes the occurrence of another event, such events are mutually exclusive events i.e. two events don’t have any common point. For example, if S = {1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6} and E1, E2 are two events such that E1 consists of numbers less than 3 and E2 consists of numbers greater than 4.
So, E1 = {1,2} and E2 = {5,6} .
Then, E1 and E2 are mutually exclusive.

Exhaustive Events

A set of events is called exhaustive if all the events together consume the entire sample space.

Complementary Events

For any event E1 there exists another event E1‘ which represents the remaining elements of the sample space S.
E1 = S − E1
If a dice is rolled then the sample space S is given as S = {1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 }. If event E1 represents all the outcomes which is greater than 4, then E1 = {5,6} and E1‘ = {1,2,3,4}.
Thus E1‘ is the complement of the event E1.
Similarly, the complement of E1, E2, E3……….Ewill be represented as E1‘, E2‘, E3‘……….En

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