Tuesday, January 28, 2020



A cube is a three-dimensional shape which is defined XYZ plane. It has six faces, eight vertices and twelve edges. All the faces of the cube are in square shape and have equal dimensions

Properties of Cube

  • A cube has three faces and three edges of equal length.
  • It has square-shaped faces.
  • The angles of the cube in the plane are at a right angle.
  • Each face of the cube meets four other faces.
  • Each vertex of the cube meets three faces and three edges.
  • Opposite edges of the cube are parallel to each other.

Cube Formula:

Surface Area of a Cube:
For cube, length = breadth = height
Suppose length of an edge =l
Hence, surface area of the cube = 2(l × l +l × l + l × l) = 2 x 3l = 6l2
Total Surface Area of Cube= 6l2
Lateral surface area of a Cube:
Formula to find Lateral surface area of the cube is:
2(l × l + l × l) = 4l2
LSA of Cube = 4l2

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