Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Probability and Statistics Symbols

Probability and Statistics Symbols

You can explore Probability and Statistics Symbol’s, names meanings and examples below-
Symbol Name
Meaning / definition
P(A ∩ B)probability of events intersectionprobability that of events A and BP(A∩B) = 0.5
P(A)probability functionprobability of event AP(A) = 0.5
P(A | B)conditional probability functionprobability of event A given event B occurredP(A | B) = 0.3
P(A ∪ B)probability of events unionprobability that of events A or BP(AB) = 0.5
F(x)cumulative distribution function (cdf)F(x) = P(X ≤ x)
(x)probability density function (pdf)P( x  b) = ∫ f (x) dx
E(X)expectation valueexpected value of random variable XE(X) = 10
μpopulation meanmean of population valuesμ = 10
var(X)variancevariance of random variable Xvar(X) = 4
E(X | Y)conditional expectationexpected value of random variable X given YE(X | Y=2) = 5
std(X)standard deviationstandard deviation of random variable Xstd(X) = 2
σ2variancevariance of population valuesσ= 4
x˜medianmiddle value of random variable xx˜=5<
σXstandard deviationstandard deviation value of random variable XσX  = 2
corr(X,Y)correlationcorrelation of random variables X and Ycorr(X,Y) = 0.6
cov(X,Y)covariancecovariance of random variables X and Ycov(X,Y) = 4

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